

On Flickr I found a picture of a girl from Rwanda named Jeanine. The photo was taken by Kresta King Cutcher. She knows abouth this painting I made and gave me permission to use her photo for inspiration. This painting brought me the award "Kunstenaar van Maas en Waal 2006" and I.m very proud to be a winner with my first oilpainting.
There are thousands of street children in Butare. Jeanine is one of them. Some are amputees on crutches. Some are blind. Some have AIDS. Everyday they scavenge for food. They make their home in trash heaps boardering the streets. At night, these children burrow beneath blankets of rotted refuse, heads at odd angles to the highway.Some of these children are orphans, others come from broken or abusive homes, a sobering fact which can turn street life into near sanctuary.
Look on
Flickr to see more of the photo.s of Kresta King Cutcher.

For more information how to help:
The site of Orphans of Rwanda a nonprofit organization who helps orphans and vulnerable children in Rwanda complete secondary school and university, in order to provide for themselves and ultimately become leaders in their communities profit organization

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1 opmerking:

Alison zei

A very striking painting, I'm not surprised it won an award. Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog, I appreciate it.

Alison Hill