
TheaterFigurenMuseum Luebeck Germany

Last year we visited Theatre Figuren Museum in Luebeck Germany by accident. We didn.t know it acsisted till we passed by. The history of the TheaterFigurenMuseum Luebeck is closely connected to the biographies of their owners: Fritz and Saraswathi Fey. Without them this extraordinary museum would never have existed. As a cameraman Fritz travelled around the world, and wherever he had a minute to spare he indulged in his hobby: He collected theatre puppets wherever he could get them enthralled by their manifold uses and their varying expressiveness in different theatre traditions. His collection grew year by year, about 90 p. c. of what he has collected is still waiting to be revealed to the public. Fritz and Saraswathi gives you the feeling to be on a familyvisit and do take time to tell you abouth all the figures. I love to visit this theatre museum again.

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